Nikon 3200

Nikon 3200 is a continuation of the series Nikon D3100, but has some improvements in some of the features making it easier for us to take pictures. Although the Nikon D3200 has a petite body for the type of DSLR, which is owned heavy enough for comfortable grip, the grip was quite tasty. This camera has a standard size 18-55 mm lens that brought in the sales package.

Nikon D3200 feels strong enough to withstand minor bumps and scrapes, although the quality is still below the ranks of middle-class Nikon camera. This camera is suitable for photographers who are still studying or a beginner in using a DSLR. When you see the target customers are entry-level, this camera has an optical peephole is quite bright. 11 offers a focal point, you can arrange to pick your own point and point to AF (auto focus).

In this mode the user will be assisted to adjust color when you take high quality pictures with ease. For example, when you use it in sunset mode the camera will help determine the appropriate white balance. Until the end you can use white balance or determine independently without assistance. For those who are beginners this feature is quite helpful to us in determining the color of the image that we will take.


The first impression that is felt when trying Nikon D3200 is quite good and we think this camera will appeal to many a beginner photographer. With some feature that is quite promising, maybe in some time we do not need to upgrade this camera. Autofocus feature running quickly, but will be slightly slower in low light conditions. In everyday use - the day was quite Nikon D3200. When using Live View maybe we will feel that the autofocus feature will work a little slow because of the contrast system does not work quickly. This may be a bit annoying users who are accustomed to using the camera shutter speed fast. Overall system that works automatically in determining the color seems to work quite well and produces an accurate image.

With Sensor to 24 MP cameras that allows us now to cropping the image. Although the crop still produce high quality images.

LCD screen cannot display colors accurately, sometimes - sometimes it is difficult to measure white balance.


If you really want a camera with a resolution capability of up to 24MP at affordable it is worthwhile to consider the Nikon 3200 to accompany the daily activities - day. This camera is perfect for DSLR users who want to start learning but lack the funds owned.


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