
Showing posts with the label Sigma

Sigma DP3 Merrill with full range of creative shooting modes

If you want a digital camera with excellent image quality at lower ISOs you can choose Sigma DP3 Merrill . This camera also has very sharp lens, simple interface and solid build quality. You can enjoy better high ISO image performance than previous cameras but still can’t keep up with most other modern sensors. The cameras have always exhibited exceptional low ISO abilities and some extremely detailed and chromatically-rich RAW files. Sigma DP3 Merrill.  Image: Sigma, with its long history of making lenses for other manufacturers' cameras and more recently its own DSLRs, has developed this lens specifically for the DP3 Merrill.  The Sigma DP3 uses a new 50mm f/2.8 prime lens, which -- after accounting for the 1.5x focal length crop of its APS-C image sensor -- is the equivalent of a 75mm optic on a 35mm camera. The lens design features 10 elements in eight groups, and there's a seven-bladed aperture diaphragm. Focusing is possible to as close as 8

Choosing a Digital SLR camera for beginners

Image: Teens and college students apparently prefer to use Digital SLR cameras than point-to-shoot cameras (compact cameras), but they do not have the money to buy it. Of course they need the help of money from their parents. Not all parents are also able to fulfill the desires of their children. They have a choice of how to pay, for example by installments with a credit card or take advantage of mortgage facilities from financial institutions such as leasing companies, so that the parents can buy Digital SLR camera for their children. There are many talented young people as a photographer. Of course they need a camera that capable to develop the hobby of photography. If occupied this hobby can make you a professional and even photography can make you rich and famous. If budget is an issue, then do not buy an expensive digital SLR camera such as the Nikon D4, Canon EOS 5D Mark III, Pentax K30 or full frame camera (professional camera). Of course these