Tips for selecting high-end camera
Is there a best camera in the world? There can be no best camera in the world, all cameras have advantages and disadvantages, but there is definitely a camera that best suits you. If you have extra funds, then you can simply to buy a high-end camera. Nikon D800 VS Nikon D800E. Image: There are many camera factories in the world, but for now let us review professional digital cameras manufactured by Sony, Nikon and Canon. Nikon Represented by the Nikon D800 and Nikon D800E and Canon is represented by a Canon 5D Mark III. As we understand it together, Canon 5D Mark III and Nikon D800 is a full frame camera that is now very tight competition to win the hearts of novice and professional photographers worldwide. Canon 5D MK III is a very balanced specification of image quality and speed consecutive photos. This shows the Canon 5D is quite versatile. You can use the Canon 5D for landscape photos, portraits, wildlife, sports, weddings, seminars, music concerts,